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Secret Deals DO Exist in Online Marketing

Have you ever suspected that marketers make secret deals with each other behind the scenes? And that perhaps they will call each other on Skype or Zoom and coordinate activities and launch dates? And maybe they work together on marketing deals, promote each other’s products and work together to maximize their profits? Well, it’s 100% true…

Secret Deals DO Exist in Online Marketing

Marketers network and mastermind with marketers on their own level.

Now, if you’re new to the game, how do you break into one of these million dollar mastermind groups?

Unless you have something incredibly spectacular to offer – like some marketing holy grail or something – you don’t. But you don’t need to.

Think about college – you go to school with a group of people. You meet as Freshmen or Sophomores, hang out together, do stupid stuff together, take classes or study together, etc.

After graduation, who can you call to get an “in” at a company, get a lead on an account, get an introduction to somebody and so forth?

Your pals from college, that’s who. You came up together. You’re friends. And of course you’ll help each other out whenever you can.

Marketing works the same way.

Find people on your level – marketers who are on their way up. Make friends. Hang out. Have drinks. Talk on Skype. Work together. Bond.

You and your friends will progress up the marketing food chain together.

And there’s your ground floor opportunity into your own million dollar mastermind group – the guys and gals who came up with you through the ranks.

So start networking. Get a team of friends. Work together. Help each other out. Have each other’s backs. Care as much about them and their success as you do about your own.

And in no time, people will be looking at your group and wishing they were you.

How to Build a Big List of Buyers without Making a Single Sale

No doubt you’ve heard that offering a bonus for other product sellers to give to their buyers is a good way to get a list of customers. And that’s true. If your bonus is good enough that the product seller believes it will increase their sales, they might be willing to let your bonus tag along with their product.

How toBuild a Big List of Buyers without Making a Single Sale

You might need to contact 5, 10 or even 20 product sellers to make this happen. Obviously, the better your bonus and the closer it’s tied to the original product, the higher your odds of getting a yes. Having a relationship with the product seller helps immensely, too.

But there is an easier way to get that coveted “yes” from the product seller, and here it is:

Offer them a complete upsell funnel.

A lot of newer product sellers on Warrior and JVZoo don’t have their own upsells yet. And because of this, they’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

If you offer them a complete upsell funnel and let them keep 100% of the profit, you stand an excellent chance of them saying yes.

Your upsell funnel should include a squeeze page offering a good freebie – this will capture product buyers who don’t purchase your upsell. It also should also include a proven product that converts well.

You can add exit splashes, pre-populated forms, bonuses and trial offers – basically whatever it takes to:

1. Capture the email addresses of the buyers, regardless of whether or not they take your upsell.

2. Makes sales for the product seller.

Using this method, you can add hundreds of buyers to your list every week. And as you know, buyers are worth far more than tire-kickers.

Everyone is happy using this model:

– The original product seller is making more money – often twice as much or more.

– The product buyer is getting a good deal on your product.

– Even if the product buyer doesn’t buy your product, they still get your freebie (remember to make it VALUABLE.)

– And you get a list of buyers with very little effort on your part.

For maximum success, rinse and repeat as often as you like.

Make Your Price Look Like a Stellar Deal

Let’s say you’re offering a course with 10 videos, 10 corresponding pdfs and 3 great bonuses, all for $47 – and you want to make that $47 seem like an absolute and total bargain price. How do you do it?

MakeYour Price Look Like a Stellar Deal

By giving your customers a choice right there on the sales page, the check-out page or preferably both.

Here’s how to do it:

Strip your package down to a much smaller one.

For example, 10 videos, no pdfs and no bonuses. Or 10 pdfs, no videos and no bonuses. Whatever works.

Offer that smaller version for $37, or $39, or even $45. You might want to test this to see which one works better.

Have the smaller version right there next to the big version for $47.

Let them know they have a choice. Of course, you recommend the full $47 version, but it’s up to them.

This is a variation of decoy pricing which typically uses 3 prices to sway buyers into purchasing a particular item.

With the slightly lower price giving them so much less, your regular price looks much better.

Also test having a higher price with not much more benefit.

In this case, it could be $67 for a slightly bigger package. That might increase sales of your regular priced product as well.

Remember to test, test and test some more to see what works best.

Curious about the 3 price decoy effect?

The most famous example is pricing used by the Economist, and later by many other magazines and newspapers.

The Economist offered an online subscription for $59, a print subscription for $125, or an online and print subscription for $125.

Naturally, this greatly boosted sales of the third option.

How can you apply this proven strategy to your business? I know you can find some creative ways to do so and boost your sales in the process!

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