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Archive | March, 2022

Simply Irresistible Prospect Lead Magnets

I’m going to use the online marketing niche as our example to explain this technique, but keep in mind this could work equally well in other niches, too.

SimplyIrresistible Prospect Lead Magnets

Consider this: When people have a specific problem that’s driving them crazy, they’ll do almost anything to fix that problem NOW.

For example, a bride-to-be has an acne outbreak the day before her wedding – what wouldn’t she do to fix her problem?

A woman is in immediate danger of losing her job – what wouldn’t she do to convince her boss not to fire her?

Parents are losing their child to alcohol – what wouldn’t they do to save their child?

Their need is great and immediate. Do you think they might pay to find the solution? Of course. Do you think they would enter their email address into an opt-in form to get the solution? You bet they would!

So how do we use this knowledge in a niche such as online marketing? Simple: If you pay attention to forums and blogs, you’ll notice there’s always some sort of online marketing crisis.

For example, Google just changed how they rank websites, and now thousands of online marketers are losing tons of money. Think they might like the solution?

Paypal is suddenly seizing accounts without warning and freezing the funds. Would the account owners like an answer on how to unfreeze their accounts? Would everyone else like to know how NOT to get their accounts frozen? You bet.

Facebook just changed (fill in the blank) and now marketers are unable to (fill in the blank) or maybe they’re banned, or…

Aweber just did the unthinkable, and marketers everywhere are freaking out.

XYZ hosting site just got hacked, big time. Websites are down and backups are missing – what to do?

The list goes on and on. Keep tabs on the forums and you’ll find a new crisis every month and often every week.

As you’ve probably already guessed, your lead magnet is going to offer the solution to the latest marketing crisis. Just imagine how fast marketers will give you their email address when you have the answer they desperately want NOW.

Right about now you’re asking, “But how am I going to find the solution when they can’t?”

Good old-fashioned research, that’s how.

Go to the help sections of the websites involved in the latest crisis and find out everything you can. If possible, call the website and ask all the questions you need to ask. Hit the chatrooms and forums and glean all the helpful info that is available. If you find an expert who knows what s/he’s talking about, do a quick phone interview.

Timing is everything on this, and you have got to act fast. If the crisis hits on Monday, ideally you want your lead magnet up no later than Tuesday to take full advantage of the tsunami of new leads you’re going to get.

And by the way, when you’ve got the solution everyone is desperately looking for, what does that make you? The trusted expert and authority, that’s who. Do you think people will open and read your future emails? You bet your life they will.

Now here’s the trick to getting your squeeze page in front of as many of these marketers as possible:

Outsource people to search out forums and threads where marketers are talking about this problem. If someone is looking for help, that’s where you want a link to your solution. Have your outsourcers post a link to your squeeze page offering them the answer they seek.

Yes, it’s that easy.

Oftentimes that thread and even your post offering your lead magnet will end up on page one of Google for that particular search.

Not bad, right?

And here’s the best part – your opt-in rate will be sky high. It will almost certainly top any squeeze page you currently have.

One more thing – if you want to take this just one step further, it can blow wide open.

Get podcasters to interview you, and do guest posts on as many blogs as possible.

Think about it – this problem is all over the online marketing community. What podcaster or blog owner doesn’t want to have someone with the solution to offer their listeners and readers?

Just one post on a major blog or podcast can result in a thousand subscribers in 48 hours.

Remember to position your solution not just as the answer to the problem, but also as the way to AVOID the problem for all those who aren’t already experiencing it. This way you’ll be able to grab not only the marketers looking for a solution, but also everyone else who wants to avoid this headache.

Wealth loves speed. Now go find the latest crisis, research the solution and start building that list.

Make $500 a Week Selling Skype Slots

Okay, your results will vary on this one. Frankly, I don’t see any reason why a person can’t make $500 per DAY, but as always, it depends on what you do with the info I’m about to share with you.

Make$500 a Week Selling Skype Slots

First, there is a stipulation – you must be really good at something that others want to know about. For example, if you’re really good at solving a particular problem or reaching a particular goal, then this might be right for you.

Let’s say you know how to list-build like crazy while spending very little money. Or you know how to write copy that converts, or how to get far more done in less time, or how to get podcasters to interview you, or…

The possibilities are endless. As long as you have a skill or knowledge that other people need and want, you can do this.

If you don’t, first get a skill and then do this.

And by the way, you’ll find this work rewarding and interesting. Plus you’ll make new friends, associates and business partners, too.

You can do this if you have a list, (best option) if you’re willing to advertise, if you’re willing to do guest posting, etc. Really, any method of getting qualified traffic can be used.

You’re going to advertise 30 minute brainstorming, troubleshooting or mentoring slots. Choose the term that works for you.

And you can do this in any niche, by the way, not just online marketing.

Charge a low fee when you start out – maybe $99 for 30 minutes. Once you gain testimonials and experience – which shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks – significantly increase your price.

Ask your clients to send you any info you need for the call ahead of time. For example, if you’re doing website consultations, then of course you’ll need their URL. If you’re doing personal coaching, you might ask them what their biggest obstacles are, and so forth.

This allows you to prepare for the call. Later as you gain more experience, preparation won’t be as necessary.

But in the beginning, you want to build your own confidence so you instill confidence in your clients. Plus, you want to be able to give them the best advice possible. And sometimes that might mean doing some research prior to the call, especially if you’re somewhat new to the topic.

Personally, I’ve paid people as much as $1,000 for 30 minutes of their time. In return, I once saved 3 months of work and $5,000 in capital (I had a business idea that I learned from my expert wasn’t viable.)

And I’ve easily made 5 figures from just one consultation, resulting in a huge return on my money.

So yes, people DO pay for information, guidance and one-on-one help. And yes, you are providing a valuable service, assuming you know your topic.

You don’t need to be famous in your niche. You don’t need to be a guru. You just need to have a skill or knowledge that people want.

Do other people turn to you for advice? On what topic?

There’s your niche.

Have faith in yourself and your knowledge and you’ll do fine.

Be sure to ask the right questions. In fact, you might keep a list of questions handy. Once you know where your client is in whatever process you’re teaching, and where they want to go, then you can help them.

That last sentence, by the way, is a goldmine. Here it is again:

1: Find out where your client is in the process you’re teaching. How far along are they? What have they done so far? What are they about to do? What results have they gotten so far?

2: Find out where your client wants to go. What is their end goal? How do they plan to get there? Why do they want to get there?

3: Use your knowledge to help them get to where they want to be. What are they missing? What don’t they know or realize? What obstacles can you help them overcome? What shortcuts can you show them? What should their plan be? What is their very next step?

Things to know:

    – Done right, you can get clients to book regular weekly time slots. For example, let’s say someone wants you to teach them different ways to get traffic.

    On the first call, you might only have time to teach them one method.

    Let them know you have a dozen more proven methods you’d be happy to teach them – given the time – and offer a weekly slot.

    If they actually take your advice from the first call and start to see results, they will be back.

    Or perhaps someone just needs you to keep them on track and making progress. You are now their coach, so naturally they’re going to be booking a weekly time slot with you.

    – Let your clients record the calls. They will forget 90% of what you tell them if you don’t let them record, so yes, just let them.

    – Provide tons of value, but forgo the firehose. Let’s go back to the traffic example: It’s better to teach one method of traffic generation really well so they can immediately put that knowledge to work, than it is to try to teach a dozen methods in 30 minutes.

    If you try to teach too much too quickly, they won’t have enough details or confidence to implement what you teach. Plus you’re robbing yourself of potential repeat business.

    – All you need to get started is a sales page offering your services and a Skype account. And use a scheduling service to schedule your appointments.

    – Once you raise your prices enough to justify it, you might record the calls yourself and have them transcribed and sent to the clients.

    This makes a nice added touch that provides real value, since they don’t have to go back to the recording each time to find out what you said.

    – Ask for testimonials. Don’t be shy about this. Follow up via email and ask for their opinion of the call.

    Ask specific follow up questions. If the answers you get back are positive, then ask for a testimonial.

    – If the answers you get back are negative, fix it.

    Maybe they didn’t understand something you said and were afraid to ask for clarification. Maybe they didn’t feel you understood their needs.

    Whatever it is, fix it and fix it fast. When you do, you’ll often have a client for life.

Perhaps the most valuable point of all is to relax and have fun. The more relaxed and confident you are, the better your ideas will flow and the better advice you’ll be able to give.

Plus it’s important that the client enjoy the call in addition to receiving great information.

Make it fun for both you and the client – as well as highly educational – and you’ll get plenty of referral business, too.

Is Your Thank You Page Hurting Your Business?

Here’s 6.5 Ways to Fix It

Someone joins your list and what do they see?

Is YourThank You Page Hurting Your Business?

“You are subscribed. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking this link. Thank you.”

Wow! That really built some rapport, now didn’t it! I tell you, I am so fired up about being on another list that I could just… well… actually I’m not, and I think I will unsubscribe. Thank you.

If the above example is anything like your thank you page, then you’re blowing it.

Your thank you page is an excellent place to build rapport and get your new subscriber to become even more invested in your budding relationship.

With that in mind, here are 6.5 ideas of what you can do with your thank you page that won’t have new subscribers turning away in boredom, annoyance or revulsion:

1. Learn more about your new subscriber

They just gave you their email address and maybe their name – now ask something that will help you with your marketing and show that you are interested in them.

Examples are:

    What do they most want to learn about ___?
    What is their number one goal?
    What is the biggest challenge they face right now?

2. Get more shares and more subscribers

    Ask them to invite their friends through social media to get your incentive or lead magnet.

    In return, you’ll reward them with something even better than the initial offer that made them sign up in the first place.

3. Build authority and credibility

    Demonstrate that they made a wise decision in joining your list by showing the previous reviews and testimonials from your biggest fans.

4. Sell the lead magnet – again

    Done correctly, your lead magnet is an excellent representation of your expertise. But it won’t do your new subscribers any good if they don’t consume it. So remind them of what they’re about to discover by using short, snappy bullets like this:

    “Congrats on getting your copy of “Hidden Traffic Strategies.”

    You can download it from the link below.

    When you do, you’ll discover:

    The toilet paper method to getting traffic on demand – page 6
    The annoying email that doubles referrals – page 12
    The surprising way to triple your traffic every week, like clockwork – page 15

5. Send them to your blog

    Or send them to your most popular video. Or…

    The key here is to get them invested in you, so they can begin using what you teach to get real results in their life. When they do, they’ll be back for more.

6. Promote something

    Make them an offer they can’t refuse. This is an especially great time to offer that year old $197 course of yours for, “Just $11, One Time Only, Grab it Now.”

    Build the value as though you are selling it for $197, and they will buy it.

    When they do, you have something much more important than $11 – you have gotten them to become your customer, your buyer, and potentially a raving fan who promotes you on social media and buys everything you offer.

    Or at least purchases a product now and then.

6.5. Add the secret sauce

    Regardless of which of the above six possibilities you use on your thank you page, I would encourage you to also show your personality.

    If it fits you and your business, inject some humor. Use a funny photo or cartoon to express just how appreciative you are that they subscribed.

    Use your own photo to build rapport. Make it look amazing and memorable with the help of a graphic artist.

Remember, your thank you page is prime real estate for building rapport, so don’t blow it.

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