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Are You Entering A Niche In Which You Have ZERO Experience?

Good. Actually, great! Here’s what you do…

Are You Entering A Niche In Which You Have ZERO Experience?

Start a blog. From day 1, explain that you know nothing about (your new topic, such as cooking) but you’re on a quest to learn (a specific outcome or goal, like how to make the world’s best pancakes) and invite the reader to make the journey with you.

Now start reading about your topic. A lot. Buy and use the products in your niche. Write about what you learn, and tell about your experience with the products. Recommend the good ones.

Once you’ve got a dozen or more blog posts, start asking experts in the niche for interviews. If you’re too shy or nervous at first, you can start with email interviews and work your way up to audio interviews.

You become the researcher / reporter, and you let the experts handle the heaving lifting.

In 1-5 years? Now YOU’RE the expert. And you never had to lie about knowing stuff you didn’t know when you got started.

In fact, you got to be honest, truthful and yourself the entire time. And you’ve built a tremendous rapport with your audience who very much feel you’re just like them.

When you use this formula, your readers will trust you and they’ll act on your advice, whether that’s to buy an affiliate product you recommend, buy your own products or eventually let you coach them.

Why NOW is a Great Time to Start a Blog

Blogs are going under faster than you can count.

Yet more and more people are reading blog posts, watching vlogs and so forth.

Why NOWis a Great Time to Start a Blog

So what’s happening?

Previously, a person could monetize a blog with Adsense or other ads.

But more and more people are using ad blockers, which means less and less income for bloggers using this monetization method.

And because they don’t have another way to make money from their blog, they quit blogging.

Enter YOU.

Because you know how to monetize a blog without ads – by promoting great products to your readers and subscribers.

Choose a niche that has lots of hungry people eager to spend money, and start blogging.

It might take some time to get good at it.

And it might take some work to get your traffic numbers up.

But if you choose your niche wisely and persevere, you’ll find this is perhaps the best time in the history of the internet to be a blogger.

Best Blogging Advice – Ever

I saw a great piece of advice on Quora the other day about blogging.

Best Blogging Advice - Ever

Someone wrote in and asked if they had missed the blogging boat – could they start now, or were they too late?

They received all kinds of advice, but this tidbit from Jeff Sauer was the best:

First Jeff advises him to take action immediately and get a free blog on WordPress.

Then Jeff says…

“Write a post.”

“Write another.”

“Write 50 more posts.”

“Then delete the blog.”

“You will no longer be concerned about starting a blog. Instead, you will have an understanding of the commitment ahead.”

Jeff then advises to start a new blog on a domain name the blogger will own forever. Take note of mistakes made on the previous blog, and don’t make them again.

Now write 100 more posts.

And eventually you will become a good writer.

Now then…

You might be wondering WHY I like this advice so much, and here’s the reason:

It’s telling the reader to DO something, over and over and over again until they get GOOD at it.

And it’s showing the reader how to overcome fear by simply doing, and doing again.

Will it take you 150 posts to get good at blogging?

Probably not.

But if you’re willing to make that kind of commitment, then it’s just a matter of time and practice before you become truly great at what you’re doing.

So go ahead. Create a throw-away blog just for practice. Use a pen name.

Write for the sake of writing.

And each time you strike gold, sharpen and refine the post, and put it on your public blog.

People might think you’re an overnight success.

But you and I will know it was simply a matter of practice, practice and practice.

Because that’s how you reach success – through dedication and unwavering perseverance.

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