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Archive | January, 2022

Jack Daniels and Frank Sinatra – Leveraging the Power of Endorsements

In 1955, Jack Daniels wasn’t the best selling whiskey in the world. In fact, most people had never even heard of Jack Daniels. It was a small, regional brand selling just 150,000 cases annually of its black labeled Tennessee whiskey.

Jack Daniels and Frank Sinatra - Leveraging the Power ofEndorsements

But by the end of 1956, sales had doubled and there was a Jack Daniels shortage. Demand in the U.S. for the whiskey steadily increased at such a high rate, the distillery wouldn’t have enough product to export to other countries for almost two decades.

So what changed? One tiny little sentence uttered onstage by just the right person – Frank Sinatra.

Frank brought a glass onstage and uttered this line: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jack Daniel’s, and it’s the nectar of the gods.”

Here’s what we know:

One endorsement from the right person and your product can potentially take off. The above example was long before the days of social media, so imagine what can happen today.

Caution: This was also before endorsements and brand ambassadors became a thing. Now if someone well-known endorses your product, people might think this person is getting paid, even if he’s not.

Jack Daniels didn’t even know Frank liked their product until this business changing moment. But once they heard what happened, they made sure Frank’s glass was never empty again. Wherever Frank performed, there was a case of Jack Daniels waiting for him in his dressing room.

And here’s how we can use this information:

Make a product so terrific, people will endorse it even when they’re not a paid spokesperson. With social media today, even an unknown person can become an ambassador for your brand if they love what you do.

When someone endorses your product, thank them and never stop. The free products you give this person will be dwarfed by the profits you earn from their efforts to get your brand seen and used.

Get your product in front of as many well-known people in your niche as you possibly can. Jack Daniels got lucky, but you can make your own luck by giving away sample products to bloggers and social media mavens.

You did hear that George Clooney sold his tequila business for up to $1 billion, right?… I guess the power of celebrities and alcohol sales is still as strong as ever. Go figure! 😉

Need to Write a Headline in a Hurry? Try Using These Headline Templates

Sometimes you don’t have hours to write and mull over headlines. When that happens, use these templates to speed up the headline writing process.

Needto Write a Headline in a Hurry? Try Using These Headline Templates

1: Get [desired result] in [time period]

This is a promise that is delivered in a certain time period.


How to get the perfect body in 61 days

How to become debt free in less than one year

Guys: Become a dating master in 72 hours

2: [Social proof] Ask a question

You’re providing social proof that what you say is true. And by asking a question, you’re actively involving the reader in the topic.


1,126 Women Lost Weight with Us. Will You Be Our Next Success Story?

Borrows Institute Declares Our Math Tutoring The Best Ever. Can We Help Your Struggling Student Excel at Math?

This Man Started and Sold 6 Companies for $9,567,453 in Profit. Can He Help You Start Yours?

3: [Number] Lies About [Something]

Anytime someone is being lied to, they want to know what the lies are and why they’re being told.


5 Lies Your Broker Is Telling You About The Stock Market

3 Lies About Heart Attacks In Women: Believe Them At Your Own Risk

7 Horrible Lies The Cancer Industry Is Using To Keep You Sick

4: [Problem?] [Secret Surprising Shocking Solution]

Anytime you hint that you have information that’s not readily available to the public, or that most people don’t know, you’ll make people curious enough to find out more.

Use words like secret, shocking, surprising, little known, finally revealed and so forth to communicate that you’ve got something interesting to share.


Aphids Eating Your Plants? Surprising Home Remedy Kills Aphids Dead without Poisoning Your Harvest

Is Your Dog’s Behavior Driving You Crazy? Little known Training Trick Makes Dogs Listen to Your Every Command

Can’t Afford College? The Secret to Getting PAID to Go to University

5: The [New Product or Method] that [Somebody] Now Loves

If your audience is skeptical of your product, or if your product is brand new and no one’s heard of it, this can be a great headline.


The New Weight Loss Method that Medical Doctors Recommend to Their Patients

The Strange Home Remedy that Psoriasis Sufferers Love

The So-Called ‘Scam’ Investment System that Insiders are Secretly Using to Make Fortunes

6: [Authority Figure] [New Information]

For the ‘authority figure’ you can use a celebrity, an authority in your niche, a particular organization or whatever.


Brad Pitt Reveals His #1 Strategy for Getting Over a Failed Relationship

The Exact System Warren Buffet Uses to Double His Money Daily

3 out of 4 World Chess Champions Use This Program to Improve Their Game

7: [Problem] [Solution]

This one is straight forward and easy to use.


Investors Are Losing Everything in This Volatile Market: How to Safeguard Your Money While Earning 10-16% Interest

Over 50 and Tired all the time? How to Have More Energy than a 20 Year Old.

Can’t Get Dates Because You’re Not Skinny? How to Have Men Begging to Go Out with You Regardless of Your Weight

And there you have it – 7 headline formulas you can use for subject lines, book titles and of course headlines.

7 Steps to Write Better, Faster and More

Would you like to write a great blog post or email in half the time without losing quality – and perhaps even make your content better in the process?

7Steps to Write Better, Faster and More

Here’s how you can start writing better, faster and more:

1: Create an outline. Your outline is your plan, and it’s going to make your entire task easier for 3 reasons:

Having a plan diffuses procrastination. When we look at a project our mind tells us it’s big – too big. This causes stress, which makes us want to avoid the whole thing. By having a plan, we can break the writing down into manageable, stress free steps.

Having a plan keeps you from wandering off topic. If you have a simple outline to follow, it’s just a matter of filling out each section of the outline. But without a plan, you could waste a great deal of time writing about things that in the end don’t even pertain to your main topic.

It makes research super easy. Once you have an outline, researching can be as simple as Googling each item on your outline. Without a plan, your research can lead you into never-ending time-wasting circles.

2: Once you’ve got your outline, set it aside for an hour or a day and let it bake in your brain.

By setting it aside, you can let your mind focus on something else. Meanwhile, your subconscious is still working on that outline. You’ll be surprised by what your subconscious gives you. All of a sudden you’ll realize you left out the most important part, or you’ve found a much better way to illustrate your main point.

3: Write every day. Writing, just like anything else, is a skill. The more you do it, the better and faster you will get.

Write even when you don’t ‘feel’ like it. As Stephen King has said, “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”

Or as another writer stated, “I wait for inspiration to strike. Fortunately for me, it strikes every day at 9 am.”

Even if you absolutely, positively do NOT want to write, tell yourself you’re going to write for just 15 minutes. Then start writing. You can write anything – anything at all – but you must write. Pretty soon you’ll be working on your project and wondering why you were feeling such resistance to something you actually enjoy.

4: Use deadlines in your favor. Without a deadline, there is no stress. With no stress, your brain puts off the task of writing for later. After all, writing takes brain power, effort, thinking and decision making – things your brain would rather put off until later. Or never.

But when you have a deadline, you have stress to get the job done. The closer the deadline, the more stress. To relieve the stress, you’ve got to get busy. Now your brain is telling you to, “Write now!”

If self-imposed deadlines work for you, then you know what to do. If not, you’ll have to find a way to get others to hold you accountable for your deadlines. For example, telling your blog readers that your next post goes live on Tuesday at 10 am PST should work nicely.

No blog readers yet? Have a friend hold you accountable. If you don’t make your deadline, you owe them dinner.

5: Focus on the “feel goods.” Back when I had a regular job, I loved my days off. I especially loved them when I knew well in advance that they were coming.

But if I found out that morning that I wasn’t working, then half the joy of having time off was gone. There was no anticipation. No looking forward to that day off. Frankly, I felt ripped off if I didn’t know I wasn’t working until that same morning.

You can use this knowledge to self-motivate yourself. Think about how great it will feel to hit publish or send. Think about closing the file and doing something you love as a reward. Think about the accolades you’ll receive for finishing the project, or the money you’ll earn, or whatever it is that motivates you to keep working until you’re done.

6: Turn off the internet. Some folks, me included, tend to get distracted by the internet. We think we’re going to ‘sneak off’ for 5 minutes to check Reddit, and an hour later we still haven’t gotten back to work.

So whenever possible, just disconnect your wifi. Turn off your cell phone. Remove anything else that tends to distract you. And then go to work.

7: Speed up your typing. If you’re not able to type at least 50 words per minute, maybe it’s time you improved your typing skills.

It’s difficult when your thoughts are coming faster than your fingers can tap them out. But you have options:

  • Type faster. There are plenty of free and paid courses online that will teach you how to touch type faster.
  • Use a voice to text program such as Dragon Naturally.
  • Record yourself and have it transcribed.

Writing by itself isn’t hard. It’s all the baggage we attach to it that makes it difficult.

But if you can think of writing as simply assembling the pieces to a puzzle, you’ll do it much better and faster.

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