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Archive | November, 2020

Profit From a Proven Sales Letter Template

Want to create the perfect sales letter – fast? Try this template. Not only is it easy to do, it’s also highly effective. And if you know your market and your product, you should be able to crank out a rough draft of your sales letter in about an hour.

Profit From a Proven Sales Letter Template

Then set it aside for a day or two to let it ‘percolate’ in your brain. Come back, polish it up and post it.

Here are the 6 primary elements of a proven sales letter template:

Pattern Interrupt with a BIG Promise – Get their attention and promise something big, bold and specific. “Veterans, is the government ripping you off? Here’s how to finally get every benefit you earned while in the service of your country – even the 14 benefits they never told you about!”

State the Problem and Make it Hurt – This is the main problem your product solves, the one that is currently making your customer’s life hell. Don’t just state the problem – really agitate it. Make them feel how bad it is to have this problem of theirs. “Beautiful women look at you like you’re a tick on a dog, and you can’t get a date with anyone but your second cousin Shirley – the shrill shrew who never stops reminding you of the time you pooped your pants at the family reunion.”

“Here’s what most people do” – this is where you talk about alternatives and why they don’t work, shutting down all avenues to solve the problem except the one you are offering. “People try anything to lose weight. One woman ate nothing but grapefruit for a month, and all she lost was her energy and her hair. Another woman walked and ran 20 miles a day, and while she didn’t lose any weight, she did get both knees replaced within the year.”

“Here’s what I do.” This is your solution. Tell why it’s best and why they must have it. “When I stumbled on this method I was flat broke and 8 days away from declaring bankruptcy. 3 months later my $125,000 mortgage was completely paid off. Yes, I was as shocked as you, but here’s the proof.”

Outline the Deal, Ask for the Sale – Don’t be afraid. If you’ve done the previous steps correctly, they’re ready to buy at this point. “When you order today, you get A, plus B, plus C. And I’ll throw in D, E and F to absolutely guarantee your success. All this, and it’s only $9.99.”

Close the Deal – this is the either / or part. “You’re either going to take full risk-free advantage of this deal and get all these benefits, or you’re going to go on having this horrible problem.” “You could continue as before, sitting home alone every night where the only women you ever see are on TV or porn sites. Or you can do what so many others have done and grab this program. Even before you complete the second module, you’ll notice women are looking at you differently. They’re smiling at you, making small talk, slipping their phone numbers into your pocket, casually touching you… your only problem will be scheduling all these beautiful women into your new dating lifestyle.”

That’s it.

Yes, writing sales copy really is that easy.

Have fun with it and make yourself tons of sales on your next product.

Just a Quick, Life Changing Idea For You…

They say you have to walk before you run… and you have to finish 9th grade before you can start 10th grade… and you have to start at the bottom and work your way up… and all that stuff. Quite true, isn’t it?

Just a Quick, Life Changing Idea For You...

Is it?


When you hear something enough times, you think it’s true.

“Of course it’s true, EVERYONE KNOWS it’s true.”



Do you really need to know all the basics of how to market online before you can start making money?


Can you find a desire in the market, create a product and get it online within a week, knowing almost nothing about what you’re doing?

I’ll give you an example:

Let’s say you’ve heard about “Internet Marketing,” but you really haven’t paid any attention to it.

You don’t know how to set up a WordPress site, build a list, create a product or any of that stuff.

But last week you got laid off from your job!

Unemployment compensation will barely cover the mortgage. Food? Utilities? Insurance? Car payment? You need money, and you need it FAST.

So you don’t pay attention to all those people who say you have to ‘pay your dues,’ ‘learn the basics first’ and all those other ancient clichés.

Instead, you hit a forum, or Amazon, or the Dummies guides.

You find a desire that people have.

You devise a plan to make a product that fulfills that desire.

You decide to get it on the market in 7 days.

Website building? Sales letters? Turning a word doc into a PDF? And a hundred other little things?

You’ve got help for that – Google.

Every time you need to know something, you Google it…

Yeah, I know – it’s too easy, right?

Where’s the suffering? The pain? When do the dues get paid?

Getting a product online within a week (or even a month) of first beginning in Internet marketing is like skipping your first 3 and a half years of college and graduating in no time.

Come to think of it… what’s wrong with that?

Some of the richest people in the world didn’t graduate college.

They were too busy DOING.

So yes, I do believe a person can run before they walk in Internet marketing. I’ve seen it done too many times to not believe it.

What are you waiting for? A written invitation? 😉

Conference Calls that Convert Like Crazy

We’re all too familiar with webinars. And we know that when we get on a webinar, someone is undoubtedly going to try to sell us something. Fair enough. But what if you change the medium?

Conference Calls that Convert Like Crazy

Suppose you invite a handful (let’s say, 24) of your best customers, or your most recent customers, onto a Skype conference call?

The attendance percentage will be much higher than what you would get with a webinar – often close to 100%.

The perceived value of a coveted spot on the call is also greater – after all, a webinar holds 1,000 people, whereas a Skype call holds just 25 including the moderator.

It’s perceived as being different – and that is often a good thing all by itself. It raises interest and provides a bit of intrigue.

You can actually use the names of every single one of your attendees. Talk about making them feel special!

So what would you talk about on a Skype conference call?

Anything you might cover in a webinar. The point is to give some good information or coaching to a small group of your best customers.

And at the end? Of course you’ll give them the opportunity to get more information, more coaching, buy a product, join a membership, etc.

No, you won’t make 200 sales. After all, you only have 24 people on the call, max.

But you could sell close to half of those or more. You could definitely form relationships with all of these 24 customers, making you stand apart from any other competitor in their minds. And you can do this as often as you like.

The marketers who are using Skype conference calling in this manner are making excellent money, 24 people at a time. It’s definitely something to consider.

And one more thing – if you’ve been trying to build up the courage to do webinars but the thought of speaking to hundreds of people at once is too scary, why not start with 24?

Once you do it a few times, you’ll have your talk optimized. You’ll have gained plenty of confidence, and you’ll be ready to jump on that big conference call and make those sales.

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