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Archive | January, 2019

How to Select a Great Domain Name

Do you think all the great domains are already taken? Think again – do some searching and you’ll be astounded by the possibilities still available.

How to Select a Great Domain Name

Here are several tips for getting great domain names:

Use repeating sounds. For example, TerrificTeachingTips, EasyBreezyPeasy, MasterMakingMoney.com, etc.

Base your keyword on your major benefit or promise to the website visitor. For example, if you cater to artists, you might use something like: MakeYourArtSell or 30DaysToMasterfulPainting.

Take your keyword or keyword phrase and add something to the end, such as…


Examples: BuildYourEmailListQuickly, EasyWeightLossStrategies, LookTenYearsYoungerNow

Add something to the middle of your keyword phrases, such as…

of your
of the

Examples: SellMoreOfYourProducts, GardeningForBeginners

Add something to the beginning of your keyword or keyword phrases, such as…

how to

Examples: DiscoverBestSuccessTips, HowToRaiseDucks, RealResultsRealFast.

Never dismay because the first domain you search for is already taken. Apply one of these tips and you’ll soon find a great domain name to launch your next online venture!

Why Successful Marketers are Truly Weird

I’ve observed 10 traits in marketers who make 6 figures or better that are – for lack of a better word – just plain weird. What I haven’t figured out yet is, are marketers successful because they’re weird? Or do they become weird once having success? You decide.

Why Successful Marketers are Truly Weird

Successful marketers think backwards. We’ve been taught to progress through a series of steps to get to our destination. But these guys don’t think about steps – they focus on their end goal. They make it totally real in their minds, like they’ve already got it. And then they reverse engineer their way back to the beginning to figure out how they got there.

When using this process, it’s almost as though they’ve achieved the goal before they even start. An added perk to this method is obviously the added confidence it gives them that they will succeed, because they already have. It’s sort of like a time travel machine for the mind.

Successful marketers quit. A lot. Have you ever known someone with stock that was dropping like a rock in the market? Odds are they continued to hang onto it because they didn’t want to lose money. Result? They lost even MORE money.

Successful marketers know when to cut the rope. If something isn’t working, they stop doing it. If something or someone is sucking their time or resources away, they let it go. In a nutshell, they quit anything that isn’t working and focus on what is working.

Successful marketers cut corners. Practice makes perfect, right? Actually, if you’re a successful marketer then practice makes for a more streamlined system. In discovering what is necessary and what it not, you can cut out a lot of little things that accomplish nothing more than distracting you or taking up your time.

And often times these are the exact things that seem so important to others. For example, rather than proofread your book 5+ times, you can do it just once or have someone else do it just once, and then insert a line at the beginning that explains you felt it more important to get the information out in a timely manner than to see to it that every possible error was edited out. It’s still a quality product, it’s just not a perfect product and it never would be, even if you didn’t cut that corner.

Another corner cutting example: Taking a long time to make a decision. Most people like to do research, weigh all the facts, sleep on it for a few days, etc. Successful marketers use the information they have available to make a decision quickly and move on. Sure it baffles everyone else and makes the entrepreneur look reckless – but this can also account for why they are so successful – money LOVES speed.

Successful marketers are risk takers. Imagine you’re a mountain goat and you want to get to the other side of am exceedingly deep crevice. You can either climb all the way down the mountain and up the other side of the crevice, or you can get a running start and make the leap. But in jumping you must give it your all – you cannot make a mediocre attempt or you will plunge to your death. You are risking everything to gain everything.

Successful marketers risk making a product no one wants, risk buying traffic that does not convert, risk making fools of themselves trying to contact more successful marketers for help, risk looking silly on social media or making a really big mistake while trying to build their brand. Everyday they take risks. It takes guts to be a successful marketer. It’s also a heck of a lot of fun when even the tiniest of risks pays off.

Successful marketers say no more often than they say yes. Opportunities are everywhere and no one sees them more easily than the successful marketer. But they learn to say no to most of the opportunities in order to make the most of the opportunities they do pursue. It’s called focus, and it’s a key ingredient to success.

Successful marketers are also careful to say no to people and opportunities that are simply not right for them or their customers. Just because mailing the new XYZ offer to your list will make you a lot of money today, does not mean you won’t regret it later if that XYZ product turns out to be a dud. Sometimes saying no is the most profitable thing a marketer can do.

Successful marketers repeat themselves, almost to the point of being boring. When they find something that works, they don’t go in search of something else. Instead, they ramp it up. They do it again, bigger and faster than last time. They accelerate and expand the process. They do it over and over again, tweaking as they go to make it better each time. Sure it’s more exciting to start a new project every week – but as long as your attention is pulled in many different directions, you will get nowhere.

Successful marketers don’t go on shopping sprees or puff themselves up. It’s a natural inclination – you’ve finally made a few thousand dollars and you’re sure you’ve cracked the code to success. Now let’s go shopping! But successful marketers reinvest a major portion of their profits straight back into their business to grow it bigger and stronger. And then they begin investing in their future – just in case one day the bottom drops out of their business.

By the same token, making much ado about yourself should be reserved for the insecure people of the world who feel they have to prove something to others. The next time you go to a marketing conference, pay attention to the other attendees. That guy bragging about how well he’s doing is probably barely making ends meet, while the quiet guy taking notes could be a millionaire. People who are already successful have nothing left to prove to others, and they have the confidence to simply be themselves.

Successful marketers don’t have back up plans. This is counter-intuitive, but it’s powerful indeed. Remember the mountain goat who wanted to jump across the crevice to get to the other side? Do you think the it will be successful by keeping one hoof on the mountain, just in case?

So it is in business. When you don’t have a backup plan, you go after your goal like your life depends on it because it does. This factor alone can make the difference between failure and success.

Successful marketers aren’t the lone wolf. They don’t go it alone. They forge alliances with other people in their niche, with their customers, and with outsourcers. They ask for help. They play really, really well with others. That image of a self-made man or woman who did it all on their own? That’s nothing more than Hollywood fiction.

Successful marketers work. A lot. Now that is strange. I thought online marketing was all about lounging on the beach and working 5 minutes a week? Yet successful marketers work like crazy to earn their success. Hmm, now that is weird.

The Real Magic Button to Online Success

I’ve decided I’m really, truly going to do it, right here and right now… Yes, I’m going to get a lot of hate mail from the 6 and 7 figure earners for doing this, but that’s fine… Today I’m going to reveal the closely guarded and highly coveted secret to online success.

The Real Magic Button to Online Success

You know how they say there are no magic buttons, and then they try to sell you magic buttons? And then when the magic buttons don’t work, the remind you yet again that there are no magic buttons?

The truth is there is one magic button.

Just one.

And it works every time. EVERY time.

When the Internet marketing guru gods got together, they wondered where they should hide this magic button.

It went something like this…

“If it’s found, everyone will know the secret.”

“That’s why we should hide it on the tallest mountain.”

“No, hide it in the deepest sea.”

“No, hide it away in an electronic vault that not even Anonymous can crack.”

Finally one young guru stepped forth and quietly said, “Better still, hide it in plain sight.”

Everyone gasped. “It will be found!” they cried.

The young guru just smiled. “Everyone knows if you want to hide something, place it in plain sight. This way even those who do see it will not recognize it’s true value, and will pass it by in search of the hidden treasures.”

And so it was decreed that they should place this secret where everyone could see it and no one would recognize its worth.

Thusly this magic button sat, ignored by all but a small number of marketers who quietly used it to build their fortunes.

Have you guessed yet what it is?

Do you know the secret?

Or would you pass it by on the street, thinking it was too ordinary to account for the fortunes made by others?

Even now, as I pass the secret on to you, you are likely to miss it completely. A monkey voice in your head will shrill, “But I already know that!”

The secret will be forgotten before your next meal and you will continue on, searching for that holy button of wealth, ever plodding forward, ever wondering why you are not yet earning the 6 and 7 figures you yearn for.

But never the less, I shall attempt to impart the secret to you thusly:

Focus only on that which furthers your business.

There, you see? Already your monkey mind is dismissing this advice. In fact that little chatter box in your head is probably telling you to go check email and Facebook right this instant. “Go!” it screams. “There is nothing here for you, run to email, run to Facebook, go play a video game or watch Netflix, go go go!”

Are you still here?

Then I shall impart onto you the very foundation that goes with that magic key. You will already surmise that when I say, “Focus only on that which furthers your business,” I am telling you to focus on those things that directly impact your bottom line. The most important of those are of course creating products and getting buying traffic to those products. In fact, if you simply drop everything else and focus on those two things, you will be successful.

But if you want to build a solid 6 or 7 figure business that grows year after year, we need to go just a bit deeper.

After all, you don’t want to create just any product. You don’t want just any traffic. And you don’t want to throw just anything together and see if it somehow sticks to the wall.

Perhaps the best explanation of how to build a thriving, ultra-successful business comes from the book, “Why 5% Succeed: The 5 Principles of Predictable Profit” by Elaine Starling, and it goes like this:

Become Relevant to your future customers. Your customers have a problem. They will only notice and work with you when you offer a relevant solution. This might be by helping them accomplish things faster, cheaper, easier, etc. Perhaps you’re solving a critical business or personal challenge for them. Or you could be creating products that are unique, cool, differentiating and compelling.

Being relevant is not enough. The adage, “Build a better mouse trap and they will come” is wrong. They won’t come if they don’t know about your mouse trap, or if they don’t trust you. So your second task is to…

Foster Relationships. In the case of online marketing, you’re fostering relationships with your readers, your visitors, your list, etc. You’re also fostering relationships with your affiliates and JV partners, too. The better you are at building relationships, the more successful you will be. In fact, if you could be good at only one thing, it would be to build relationships. You could always promote other people’s products, but only if you have customers who already know you, like you and trust you.

The more your relevance and your relationships intersect, the more successful you will be. In other words, the more people you have relationships with who can see how relevant you are to their needs, the higher degree of…

Results you will experience. If you imagine being relevant as one circle, and fostering relationships as a second circle, the area where they overlap is where you are making your sales and getting your desired results. If you want more results, you need to first make sure you’re on the right track, and then increase your relevance and/or increase the quantity and/or quality of your relationships.

Lastly, the speed of establishing your Relevance and fostering more and deeper Relationships depends on two skill sets:

First, how Receptive you are. The more Receptive you are, the more you understand your clients needs, wants and priorities. It’s all about knowing your customers inside and out, listening to them, and making them a part of the solution process. You’ve got to be completely open to discovering what they want and then fulfilling those needs and desires.

And the second skill set that determines how successful you are at this process is…

How Resilient you are. The one constant in life is change. What worked yesterday doesn’t work today. What your customer wanted yesterday is what they are ignoring today. You’ve got to recover quickly from adversity and move fast to take advantage of new opportunities.

As the author states, “The more ways you can win, the more often you can win.

So to get back the the essence: Focus your time on those activities that further your business. Talk to your customers to find out what they want, and then create those products and services. Build relationships of trust and respect with both customers and affiliates. Be open and receptive and agile in change.

That’s all you need. It’s really rather simple, and it’s been staring you in the face all this time.

The question is, are you going to say, “Yeah, I know that stuff?” Or are you going to start to live it?

Because if you’re not consistently earning $100,000 a year or more from your online business, you’re likely not living it. And until you do, you will be hopping from one thing to the next, always looking for that big score, that one-hit wonder that makes you money today and and leaves you wondering why it didn’t last tomorrow.

You have the magic button now. What you do with it is up to you.

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