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How to Get Tons of People Reviewing Your Product on Their Blog

Okay, let’s face it: Guy Kawasaki is famous enough that if he launched a new book by burying it in his back yard, there’s still a chance it would end up on the best seller list.

How to Get Tons of People Reviewing Your Product on Their Blog

Still, this illuminating article of the 12 steps he took in launching his book is a great how-to guide for anyone – whether they’re a celebrity or a complete unknown – to launch their own book (or product, for that matter.)

If you’re short on time, jump straight to item #3 – it’s worth its weight in gold to an Internet marketer. Seriously – would you like to have 150 interviews and 200 reviews appearing on blogs prior to your next product launch?

And after you read it, if you’re thinking you can’t afford to physically ship 1,600 products, remember this – it costs you nothing to email your digital product.

“But I don’t have a list of 20,000 bloggers.” No problem. Start compiling a list now by building a relationship with them. That way when you launch your next product you’ll have your own list of bloggers who already know you and are eager to review your product.

Plus you’ll enjoy one advantage Kawasaki doesn’t have – because you’re not Uber-famous, your contacts are MORE likely to review your product. After all, if you were one of 20,000 bloggers on a list compiled by a famous guy, would you even bother? Probably not, because you figure you’re one tiny wheel in a massive cog. Plus there’s no accountability when you’re just one of thousands. But when your buddy asks you to review his new product, then sure, you’re going to do the review because you know if you don’t he’ll be asking you what happened.

Thus even if you only have a list of 50 bloggers, odds are you can get a bare minimum of 25 to do a review, and most likely more. Plus you can get 10 or 20 to do interviews as well. And once you’ve got those, it’s simply a matter of leverage – demonstrating to additional bloggers how popular the previous interviews were to entice them into giving you an interview as well.


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